Are Scented Candles Bad For Rats?

The smell from scented candles can be a serious problem for rats. They are made of wax which contains oil and fats. In the past, pigs were used to produce this fat. This fat is attractive to rats, and they will eat it. As a result, there are several ways to prevent scented candles from attracting rats to your home.

First, you should make sure the scents aren’t too strong. Rats are very sensitive to scent and the scent of a burning candle can be a serious health risk for them. Therefore, you should place them in a room that is away from the one where the candles are being burned. You should also watch for signs that your rats are becoming more irritated by the fragrance, such as sneezing or increased drinking.

Scented candles can also be a fire risk if placed in an accessible location. Pets may bump into or knock over candles, and they can get burned by the hot wax or flame. Depending on the size and mobility of your pet, this can be quite dangerous. In addition, candles emit toxic fumes. Paraffin wax is the primary contributor to these fumes.

If you’re storing scented candles in a dark and cool place, you should store them in a plastic bag. This will keep them from melting and attracting mice. You should also keep scented candles away from valuables. For example, you shouldn’t put them near a stove or oven, as these can attract mice.

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