Are Rats Smarter Than Dogs?

Rats are very intelligent and have a long history of persecution by humans. Despite this, a portion of the population is as intelligent as dogs and they deserve our respect and attention. It’s time we stopped dismissing these brilliant animals and started appreciating them for who they are. We’ve been missing out on so much because we don’t understand them.

In Tanzania, a researcher trained rats to detect TB victims by sniffing them out. This was a very accurate test and was three times more effective than standard testing. Moreover, rats are cheap and don’t require expensive training equipment. In addition, rats are excellent swimmers. They also know how to maneuver through small holes and pipes.

A study published in Harvard Business Review found that rats are smarter than dogs. Rats outperformed humans and dogs in learning different patterns that had varying spacing and orientation. This was likely due to the simple nature of the rat brain, which has fewer complex parts and is more likely to work efficiently with simple patterns.

Rats are also very good at learning the environment. They can even find shortcuts and secret routes. They are considered the top spatial intelligence and have even been used as “explorers” throughout history.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!