Are Rats Good Parents?

If you are thinking about adopting a rat, you must know that the price is high and they can be dangerous around people. It’s essential to educate yourself on the diseases they can contract, the cost of care, and the importance of proper rat housing. If possible, you can show pictures of cute rats and dispel common misconceptions about them. For example, rats do not come from sewers. They are usually bought at pet stores.

Rats also show signs of maternal behavior when they give birth to their babies. They lick their newborn babies, which is a mammalian bonding gesture. Some mothers lick their babies deeply, while others do so sparingly. However, when babies reach a certain age, they begin to venture away from mom and seek adventures of their own. However, a good rat mom does not hover over her babies or interfere with their activities. If a rat baby is having trouble, a mother will lick it until it is stable enough to move on.

A rat should have a cage, which is large enough to provide a comfortable environment. It should also be equipped with enrichment items and toys that it can play with. These items may include tunnels, hammocks, and climbing structures.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!