Are Mothballs Good For Rats?

If you’re a homeowner who’s wondering if mothballs are good for rats, you’re not alone. These small, inexpensive chemicals contain ingredients that rats avoid. While mothballs are effective at repelling insects, they’re not very effective at scaring rats away. To get rid of rats, you’ll need to use other methods.

If you use mothballs around your home, you’ll want to use the smallest dose possible. It’s important to keep children and pets away from them, as mothball fumes are potentially dangerous for humans. Fortunately, there are several natural alternatives available to mothballs. They can be very effective at preventing rats from destroying your belongings, but you should be aware of potential side effects.

Peppermint is another good option for repelling rats. Peppermint produces a pungent odor that rats despise. Minty toothpaste and toilet cakes also work well. Regardless of which method you choose, remember to test the product in an attic or in other areas where rats might congregate.

Mothballs are readily available at department stores and drugstores, but you should use caution when purchasing them online. Some illegally sold mothballs contain ingredients that are not regulated by the EPA. This could result in a much more toxic product than one sold legally. Mothballs can be a good option for rodent control if used properly.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!