Are Dumbo Rats Good Pets?

Dumbo rats are the same species as normal rats, but with a very unique appearance – large, circular ears. Dumbos measure approximately 18 inches long, from nose to tail, and weigh between 0.5 and 1.5 pounds. Males tend to be larger and heavier than females. Just like other rats, dumbos have unique personalities. Female dumbos are often smaller and more mellow, while males are larger and spikier.

Dumbo rats are very easy to care for, but they do have some basic needs. They should be fed two or three times a day when they are young, and once or twice daily when they reach adulthood. The diet of dumbo rats should consist of pellets, which are the healthiest food for rats, and a small amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. The ratio of pellets to fresh food should be approximately 80 percent pellets and 20% fresh fruit and vegetables. You can also give your dumbo a small piece of meat or fish occasionally.

Dumbo rats should be kept in an appropriate cage that provides ample space for the animals to move around. It should also have multiple levels, with plenty of hiding places for them. Dumbos are prone to parasites, so it’s important to keep them clean and dry. If you notice any symptoms of parasites, you should contact a small animal veterinarian immediately.

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