How Much Mosquito Dunk Per Gallon?

Using Mosquito Dunks can help prevent mosquitoes from breeding. You can apply the product to any type of water, such as stagnant water or even rainwater barrels. They are also safe for humans, animals, and plants. However, it is important to know how much Mosquito Dunk to use.

The number of Mosquito Dunks you should use depends on the amount of water you have. If you have a small body of water, you might only need one to two Dunks. For larger bodies of water, you might need several Dunks. You might also need a string or stake to keep them in place.

If you are unsure of how much Mosquito Dunk to use, it is a good idea to check with the label. They should say how much Bti is contained in the product. The amount of Bti will depend on the volume of water and the type of mosquito that is causing the problem.

The dunks are designed to kill the larvae of mosquitoes. Adults, however, are not affected. If you are trying to kill adult mosquitoes, then you will need to use another product.

If you are using Mosquito Dunks in your home, it is a good idea to keep them in a well-ventilated area and to wear plastic gloves. They can cause some irritation in the eyes and skin, but the dangers of skin infections are unlikely.

The dunks should last 30 days, though they will degrade in direct sunlight. They are best used in early spring.