How Come Mosquito Bites Itch?

Getting mosquito bites can be a source of discomfort and even infection. This is why you need to treat them immediately. You should also avoid scratching them because this will only cause the infection to spread further.

When you get a mosquito bite, the immune system in your skin releases histamine. This chemical causes the itching and swelling.

The body also releases a protein called immunoglobulins. These help break down connective tissue and mast cells. Mast cells play a large role in inflammation.

If you are suffering from an allergic reaction to mosquito bites, you may have a fever, general fatigue, and red streaks on your skin. You may also be tempted to scratch the itchy area. This can lead to infection and scarring.

The best way to treat a mosquito bite is to apply an antibiotic ointment three times a day. The medication should be applied according to the instructions on the bottle.

Another way to alleviate itching is by applying an antihistamine. These medicines work by blocking the signals in the body that cause the skin to itch. You can apply Benadryl or another over-the-counter antihistamine.

You can also use baking soda to reduce the itch response. You can make a paste out of baking soda and water, and then apply it to the bite.

You can also apply Aloe littoralis, a natural plant that is believed to promote wound healing. It can also help relieve inflammation.

You can also try an ice pack. This will temporarily reduce the swelling.