How Can Mosquitoes Prevent Pregnancy?

Whether you’re pregnant or not, mosquitoes pose a threat to you and your unborn baby. They carry many diseases that can harm you and your child.

You can protect yourself against mosquitoes by using EPA registered mosquito repellents that contain DEET. DEET is safe and effective in pregnancy. You can also choose other insect repellents, but they must be approved for use during pregnancy.

When choosing an insect repellent, you should look for one that contains the active ingredients DEET, picaridin, and IR3535. These are the most commonly used ingredients and are effective at preventing mosquito bites.

You can also apply a stronger sunscreen to your skin before applying any mosquito repellent. The sunscreen guidelines are the same as they are for insect repellents.

If you’re planning a vacation, talk to your doctor and prenatal care provider before you travel. They can advise you on whether or not to travel to areas affected by Zika virus. You can also check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to find out which mosquito-borne illnesses are currently active in your area.

When you’re outdoors, make sure your windows and doors are sealed. If you’re sleeping outside, use a mosquito bed net. You can also wear long-sleeved clothing. Besides wearing long-sleeved clothing, make sure you wear pants and socks.

You should also avoid high-risk areas, such as marshland, forest fringes, and riverside meadows. These places are more likely to be infected with viruses.