How Bad Are Mosquitoes in Florida?

Despite having warm and sunny weather, Florida can still be a mosquito breeding ground. Many species of mosquitoes are native to Florida and can be a problem for homeowners. Fortunately, there are methods to avoid and control the mosquitoes in your home.

Mosquitoes lay eggs in damp soil or standing water. The eggs remain dormant until they are hatched in the spring or fall. The critical temperature for these eggs is around 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

To reduce the number of mosquitoes in your home, you should first remove all sources of standing water. This includes things like tires, buckets, water bottles, and even kids’ toys. You can also consider hiring a pest control company to rid your property of mosquitoes.

The best way to protect yourself against mosquitoes is to wear long pants and a long-sleeve shirt when outdoors. You can also use an EPA-approved insect repellent.

There are many diseases that are carried by mosquitoes. Some of the most common are malaria, chikungunya fever, Rift Valley fever, and West Nile virus encephalitis. In addition, several mosquito species can transmit disease to animals and humans.

During the summer months, mosquitoes are most active. These insects prefer to hide in dense vegetation during the daytime. They can also be found in swampy areas.

If you are worried about viruses, you should stop by a local nature park and wear heavy-duty repellent. You should also consider dumping any standing water in and around your home.