Are There Mosquitoes in California?

Several non-native mosquitoes are known to be present in California, including Aedes aegypti and Culex tarsalis. Both species are capable of transmitting diseases to humans, but they have not caused serious problems in California to date.

Aedes aegypti is an invasive species of mosquito that has a history of spreading throughout the world. It has been found in several states on the west coast, but it is unknown if it has become endemic in California. Unlike other species of mosquitoes, Aedes does not fly long distances, so it is not linked to the West Nile virus.

In addition to the Aedes aegypti mosquito, another invasive mosquito species has made its way to California. This species is known as the Asian tiger mosquito. This mosquito prefers to feed on birds and animals, but it can also transmit diseases to humans.

Other mosquitoes that are not native to California, such as the Aedes albopictus, have also been detected in the state. These non-native mosquitoes are also known for their aggressive nature. They will bite multiple times in a single feed and will often go undetected.

There are more than 50 mosquito and vector control districts that provide mosquito control services in California. These agencies are organized specifically for this purpose. They are listed under the county government section of your telephone directory.

There are dozens of species of mosquitoes in California, but most are not dangerous. However, there are three mosquito genera that are most common in the state. These are the Anopheles, Culex and Aedes. The native Culex mosquito lives primarily at night and feeds on birds. It is also a carrier of the Western equine encephalitis virus.