How Long Do Head Lice Live in Bedding?

Head lice can survive in bedding for about 48 hours before dying or nitting. To get rid of them, you need to treat bedding thoroughly. To do this, you can use a good quality cleaning product. You can also put the bedding through a washing machine on high heat for several cycles to kill any lice and nits.

Bedding is a common source of head lice, and you can try to get rid of it by washing the bedding regularly. The best way to do this is to wash the bedding on the highest heat setting. This will kill the lice and their eggs. Once you’ve washed it, dry it using hot air or machine washing.

Although most head lice are spread through head-to-head contact, they can also be spread through the contact of other infected items. The risk of getting lice doesn’t vary with personal hygiene and cleanliness of the home. Even if you’ve shampooed your hair, you’re still likely to get them. While head lice prefer to be on the scalp of their hosts, they can live in a tidy or dirty home.

To kill head lice, it’s best to use an insecticide that kills live lice. Most pesticides are chemical-based, but these chemicals do not kill the eggs. You should also clean all bedding thoroughly, including your bed linens.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!