How Can You Use Head Lice Treatment on Dogs?
When treating your child’s head lice, you should keep in mind that the process is long and tedious, and it can even take time off from school and work. A pet owner can feel the same way if their pet gets head lice. The intense itching and discomfort can drive pet owners crazy! Fortunately, there are several treatments for lice that are effective and safe.
First of all, lice on dogs are different from those on humans. While adult dog lice are very similar to their human counterparts, they are species specific, and do not feed on humans. Dog lice in North America infest coyotes, foxes, and wolves, and will not infest cats, rodents, or birds. Despite the close resemblance, lice on dogs cannot be passed from one person to another.
The best way to prevent head lice is to prevent head-to-head contact. This includes not sharing hats, stuffed animals, or any other personal items with other members of the household. Personal items should also be washed in hot water and dried on a hot cycle in the dryer. Items that cannot be washed should be kept in a plastic bag for at least two weeks. Hairbrushes should also be washed in hot water to kill any lice.
If your dog becomes infected with head lice, you will want to do a thorough cleaning of their bedding and other items. It’s a good idea to wash the bedding and other items that your pet shares with other dogs as well. Once you’ve done this, it’s important to remember to replace any brushes and sleeping pads that your dog uses.