Does Heat Kill Head Lice?
The question of does heat kill head lice has been the topic of numerous studies. While it is generally considered safe and effective, it is possible that lice will develop resistance to this treatment. One study found that hot air treatments were effective in eradicating infestations. But, there is a major catch. It doesn’t kill lice in all cases, and hot air treatments aren’t recommended for all infested children.
Although hot water can kill lice that are already on clothing and bedding, it is not a good idea to use this method to kill head lice. To be effective, the water must be at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit, and it should stay there for a few minutes. The hot water can also be used to wash combs, brushes, and hats. This is a good method for eliminating the eggs.
A good treatment for head lice involves using a product that kills nits and kills adult lice. The product should not irritate or harm the skin or the hair. If the lice still live after the treatment, you may have to repeat the process. However, many people don’t use lice medication because it’s expensive. Another option is using natural remedies.
One study looked at the effectiveness of different methods of heat treatment. Its results were mixed. Some of these methods killed eggs and larvae while others failed. The most effective one was a machine called LouseBuster, which had a customized design and operated at a comfortable temperature. It killed nearly 80 percent of hatched lice and 97 percent of the eggs that had been laid. One week later, most subjects were free of head lice.