Why Is There Fruit Flies in My House?

There are many reasons why you may have fruit flies in your house. They are often attracted to trash cans, empty beer bottles, and fresh produce. By washing your produce regularly, you can eliminate the breeding grounds of fruit flies. To control fruit fly populations, you should also regularly clean your drains to prevent the flies from breeding.

One of the most common causes for fruit fly infestations is over-ripe or rotting fruit. Fruit flies are attracted to foods that are high in fructose content. They are also attracted to fermented food. In addition to over-ripe fruits, fruit flies also prefer rotting or fermented foods.

Fruit flies are very small insects, a mere 1/8 inch long. Their wingspan is approximately 1/16 inch, and they have tan thoraxes and black abdomens. Typically, they have red eyes, but some species are black-eyed. Fruit flies are attracted to decaying vegetation, such as compost piles, so they may be a problem anytime of the year.

To prevent fruit flies from settling in your house, you can make sure there are no overripe fruits and vegetables. In addition, empty trash cans frequently and make sure they do not contain any food leftovers. Also, try using an all-natural cleaner like UltraFloor Defender, which breaks down grease and food residue.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!