Why is My House Full of Flies?

If you live near a farm or farmyard, you probably have more flies than normal. However, having a large fly population does not necessarily mean that your house is dirty. Dirty dishes and food waste bins are common sources of flies. Animal waste, including pet food bowls, also attracts flies.

Flies are most active in the warm summer months. That means that they’ll breed more readily. Moreover, if you have bright artificial lights in your home, they will attract flies. And if you don’t close those lights, they’ll continue to breed.

If you’re looking for an easy way to get rid of flies, start by eliminating their food source. Most likely, flies come from rotting fruits, vegetables, and garbage cans. By removing these items, you’ll be getting rid of flies and deterring rats and raccoons, two of the most common pests in homes.

If you find that you’re dealing with a large number of flies, don’t panic. There are some simple ways to get rid of them in a few days. First, limit the amount of food available to flies by setting up insect traps and limiting the amount of food you leave out.

To prevent flies from returning, you need to clean your home regularly. Ensure that you remove any trash regularly and remove all food and waste materials. This will eliminate their food source and breeding grounds. Then, you can try limiting the temperature of your home, closing your windows, and installing screens.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!