Why Do Flies So Suddenly Appear?

Flies are a nuisance and they can make your home uncomfortable. Summer is the peak breeding season for insects, which means you may notice flies around your house sooner than normal. However, summer doesn’t necessarily mean that flies are everywhere. There are certain times of the year when they will be less prevalent, such as early spring.

In order to control the number of flies in your home, it’s best to eliminate the sources. You can start by cleaning up trash. During warm periods, flies will be drawn to rotting matter in garbage cans. Make sure to clean these areas thoroughly. Also, check vents and cracks around your house, as these can be a breeding ground for flies.

In addition, flies can multiply rapidly. Depending on their species, food availability, and other factors, the lifespan of an adult fly varies. But once they have reached a high population, they can become a real problem. And if that happens, you can be liable to get an infestation of flies if you don’t get rid of them fast.

Cluster flies are a common pest. During winter, these bugs can enter your home through small openings and seek shelter from cold weather. Once the weather starts to warm up, they will enter your home. They are likely to be clustered in areas that don’t get a lot of traffic.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!