Why Do Flies Fly Around Me?

If you are like me and often find flies buzzing around your face and ruining your summer activities, you have probably wondered “why do flies fly around me?” Flies are one of the most diverse orders of insects with over one hundred and fifty species and 150 families. Some experts estimate that there are more than 30,000 different species in Australia alone. However, they are difficult to eradicate, so you need to keep some steps in mind to help you control their numbers.

Flies are attracted to the scent of your sweat, skin oils, and dead cells. They also love to feed on blood and rotting flesh. As a result, humans are the perfect breeding ground for houseflies. In addition to feeding on human food, flies will also sit near your nose and eyes because the moisture will attract them.

Flies can be unpleasant and dangerous. While common houseflies do not bite humans, they are a nuisance and can even cause illness. They are energy-intensive and require a lot of swatting to get away. In addition, these flies are vectors of communicable diseases like typhoid and tuberculosis. They also carry pathogens on their legs and around their mouths.

Flies aren’t very good at chewing solid foods. They regurgitate their digestive juices onto the food they’re eating. In some cases, they’ll regurgitate the food into a bubble, where it can remain for a while. Some flies also use their feet to taste the food.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!