Why Are Flies Always in My Room?

Flies are a common nuisance in many homes. But they can also be a health hazard. They are known to carry bacteria from unsanitary places and can spread it to other things in your home. Using a fly swatter can be an effective solution. However, it is not a long-term solution.

Flies are attracted to carbon dioxide in our breath, the warmth of a warm body, and salt. They are also attracted to oil and oily hair, which is a source of food. While they are not intelligent, their instinctual drives are powerful and their senses are very acute.

Fly infestations are most likely caused by decaying organic matter. They need this organic material to lay their eggs. The first step in getting rid of flies is to identify the type of fly you have and where the decaying organic matter is located. Once you have identified the type of fly, you can begin removing it.

If you suspect that flies are coming from outside, you can try closing doors and windows. However, you should also keep screens open. This will prevent the flies from flying through the screens.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!