Which Vinegar For Fruit Flies Works Best?

There are different types of vinegar that can be used to trap fruit flies. The most effective vinegar is apple cider vinegar. However, you can also use white vinegar in certain situations. A little bit of vinegar is usually enough to trap a good amount of fruit flies. If you’re having trouble catching fruit flies, try using dish soap instead of vinegar. This solution breaks down surface tension and makes the fruit flies drown.

Another alternative is to use rotting fruit. You can put some rotting fruit in a bowl or jar, then cover it with plastic wrap. Make sure to poke holes in the plastic wrap to allow the vinegar to penetrate. When fruit flies come to feed, they’ll be attracted to the rotting fruit and lay eggs. You should also make sure to take out the trash more frequently.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a trap. To use apple cider vinegar, place a small amount in a bowl or glass and seal with plastic wrap. Fruit flies can’t escape once they’re in the plastic. A combination of apple cider vinegar and dish soap is also effective. The dish soap helps to lower the surface tension of the liquid, so fruit flies are able to easily dive into it.

You can also use a venus flytrap. This plant attracts flies and disintegrates them over a period of five to twelve days. It also catches other insects, such as spider mites, gnats, mosquitoes, and silverfish. This trap is very effective and guarantees to kill fruit flies and other insects.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!