Where Do House Flies Come From?

House flies come from a variety of sources, including garbage, animal droppings, and decaying organic matter. They can carry up to 100 different diseases, which makes them an important pest control concern. They can also spread a variety of skin, eye, and intestinal infections. Females have a lifespan of about 3 weeks. Open garbage cans and compost piles provide breeding grounds for these insects, so it’s important to keep these areas clean.

House flies tend to stay within two miles of where they were born, but they have been known to migrate as far as twenty miles in search of food. Because they don’t have teeth, they feed by regurgitating food or spitting. They can feed on human food or animal carcasses, and they are particularly drawn to pet waste due to its potent odor.

Houseflies can also come indoors through cracks in windows or doors. They can enter a building through the openings because they’re attracted to the warm air and cool breeze of a building. Fortunately, if you close up these openings, the flies won’t be able to breed indoors and become a bigger nuisance.

Another problem area for flies is the storage of food. When storing produce, it’s vital to store it properly in a refrigerator, or a sealed container. Flies can also be drawn to small bits of food left on dirty dishes.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!