Where Can I Buy Live Flies For My Aquarium?
If you are interested in observing the natural habits of amphibians and reptiles, you can buy live flies for your aquarium. These flies are cheap and easy to care for. They are also beneficial in encouraging the natural hunting habits of many amphibians and reptiles. However, they can be noisy and difficult to handle, particularly when they have wings.
To keep flies in good condition, they should be kept in a warm place, ideally in an incubator, which can be a small dish or a carton. Ideally, this incubator should be kept at 80 degrees F and 50-60% relative humidity. Once the flies are mature, they can be transferred to a cage containing other creatures.
Live fruit flies are great food sources for many species of frogs and small lizards. Flightless fruit flies have a lifespan of about a month. They can remain in a culture for a long time because they will continuously pupate from the eggs laid by the adult flies. Keep the temperature around 70 degrees or 65 degrees for regular fruit flies, and 80 degrees for giant fruit flies. Keep the temperature correct to avoid mold growth.
Live black soldier fly larvae are also available from a variety of sources. These insects are essential feeders for various animals and insects, and their larvae contain a balanced amount of calcium and phosphorus. They are not suitable for pets that insist on live foods. However, if you do not care for live foods, you can purchase frozen larvae for your pets.