When Do Black Flies Start in Algonquin Park?

In early May, black flies are still under water. They are nymphs and have not yet developed black wings. However, the warmer temperatures will encourage their transformation into adult black flies. These annoying insects are known for their raised bites on the skin. While in small numbers, black flies may not seem interested in biting you, but their presence should not be ignored.

Black flies are a nuisance, but there are ways to prevent their presence in your Algonquin Park vacation. If you plan on visiting the park during this time, you can check the park’s website for information on when the flies are most active. In general, they’re most active in late May and early June. During this time, it’s best to wear long clothing and avoid areas of your body where they can land. While most black flies don’t bite humans, they can cause skin irritation or cut your skin.

While the temperatures in Algonquin Park can reach +40C in summer, temperatures are generally chilly at night. You should also be prepared for all types of weather in the park, including ice and snow. The coldest months are July and August, and temperatures are about a degree cooler. Early mornings can bring fog in the form of billowing clouds, which are the result of water evaporated from warm lakes and condensed in cool air above. The morning mists may even reveal distant islands.

Mosquitoes are another nuisance in the park during the spring. Mosquitoes and black flies are most active at dusk and dawn, and they prefer areas where water pools or swamps are present. If you are planning a trip to Algonquin Park during this time, it’s a good idea to pack an insect repellent and bug jacket.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!