What Do Flies Taste Like to Cats?

Cats are known to love eating bugs, including flies. But flies can also be dangerous because they carry diseases. Cats don’t know the difference between what’s healthy for their bodies and what’s not, so it’s a good idea to keep them indoors. A cat may eat a fly, and if it’s a particularly nasty one, it may cause a stomach upset or even vomiting. However, it’s rare for this to occur.

Cats’ digestive systems are quite strong, which makes them able to eat mice and small prey without any problem. They are also able to digest the small materials in flies. Moreover, cats are unlikely to eat a lot of flies in one day. Therefore, it’s okay to allow your cat to eat flies occasionally if they catch them. However, if your cat is habitual about eating flies, you should take immediate measures to stop this.

Besides causing a cat’s discomfort, flies can also cause bacterial infections. Maggots are formed when a fly lays its eggs in an open wound or irritated area. But, your cat won’t get maggots from flies if he doesn’t eat them. However, if he eats maggots, he may suffer a severe infection and even die.

While there are many methods of keeping flies from bothering your cat, you should never use toxic insecticides. Insecticides are known to poison cats, and the last thing you want is for your beloved pet to get sick. The best way to keep flies from your home is to keep the house clean.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!