What Can I Spray to Keep Flies Away From My Home?

One of the best ways to keep flies away from your home is by making sure that your home is clean. This includes keeping garbage cans and pet waste out of your home, cleaning fruit bowls after they are used, and wiping down counter tops with a disinfectant solution after you prepare food. Using a natural insect repellent is also a great option.

There are a variety of natural sprays that repel flies, including peppermint and rosemary. You can also use essential oils to repel flies. Essential oils have been known to have a calming effect on many types of insects, including flies.

In addition to essential oils, you can make a fly repellent spray with ten drops of five essential oils mixed with two cups of water and vodka. Spray the mixture around your home and on flies and their breeding sites to keep them away. This natural solution is known to be 100% effective.

Natural repellents are easy to make. Using strips of cloth about a foot long and an inch wide and soaking them in essential oils like clove, lavender, lemon, or mint oil can also be helpful. When used on a large scale, more powerful fly repellents may be necessary.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!