How to Keep Flies Out of Your Home

There are many ways to keep flies out of your home. First, make sure you don’t have food lying around. Open containers of food and alcohol can attract flies. You should also wash your dishes regularly and store your food in an airtight container. Also, keep your garbage can and garbage disposal empty. If they are still full, check to see if there is a leak. You should also regularly sanitize your trash can and garbage disposal.

Secondly, check for dead animals. Flies will feed on carcasses of dead animals. A dead mouse in an abandoned mouse trap can produce a lot of flies. You should also check your walls for any mouse poison that may have gotten inside the house. Other common sources of flies include raccoons, birds, and squirrels. If you find any of these animals, make sure to remove them from your home as soon as possible.

Typically, flies prefer warm environments. They need a warm temperature to lay their eggs. Generally, the best temperatures are 75 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. If the temperature is too low, flies will be less likely to breed and reproduce. If you find flies in your home, contact a pest control specialist immediately.

Flies can also be attracted to areas that are humid. The presence of wet garbage or manure can provide a breeding ground for these pests. Clean up organic materials often. Also, make sure your trash receptacles are dry and well-maintained. Also, be sure to use tight-fitting lids and make sure plastic bags are tightly sealed.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!