How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

While fruit flies are not very common, they can cause many problems for homeowners. They can be harmful to your home because of the damage they can do and attract other pests to your property. If you live in or near Niagara, you may need to contact a Niagara pest control service to find out what you can do to get rid of fruit flies.

Although fruit flies are not a direct cause of food poisoning, they can carry bacteria like Salmonella, which are similar to E. coli and can cause food poisoning. These bacteria are transmitted to humans through fruit flies, which feed on animal feces and manure. This can lead to gastrointestinal illness, ranging from a mild stomach upset to a bloody diarrhea. It is important to seek immediate medical care if you think you’ve been infected with these bugs.

Fruit flies are not considered a foodborne threat, but their presence in your home can make you vulnerable to disease. Fruit flies can transmit bacteria that can affect your health, and if you leave fruit or a beverage bottle out overnight, it can contaminate the food. In addition to this, fruit flies spend most of their time near garbage and waste, which naturally brings bacteria into your home.

You can keep fruit flies at bay by keeping your trash empty and sealed. It is also a good idea to keep food items away from entryways. Whenever possible, you should also keep trash cans and recycling bins outside. Always dispose of any rotten food that has been lying around, as this attracts fruit flies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!