How to Get Rid of Flies in Your Home

One way to get rid of fruit flies is to place a large piece of plastic wrap over the fruit. This will trap the flies. You can also use a large matchbox to trap the flies. Afterwards, you can release the flies outside.

If the temperature gets too cold, flies will go into a type of hibernation. This is called diapause and will last for a few weeks. When the temperature rises again, flies will resume normal activities. Temperatures below 45degF (7degC) will cause flies to go into diapause, which means they stop moving altogether. This will save their energy and help them survive the cold.

Another effective way of killing flies is to turn the air conditioner down to a low temperature. House flies can’t survive cold temperatures. If you turn your AC down to around 60degF, you will be able to kill them. The cold temperature will stop their systems from working and they will fall to the floor, remaining inactive. In addition, if you leave them in the house, they will try to hide in open cupboards and under furniture.

Flies can enter your home through holes in the eaves and attics. Once fall hits, they seek warmth in these areas. Therefore, it’s best to seal any holes in the eaves and avoid inviting them inside. Furthermore, don’t leave dead flies around – it may attract other insects.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!