How Much Eggs Do Flies Lay?

When a fly infestation occurs, the first step in eliminating it is to determine the location where the fly larvae are laying their eggs. The most common locations for these insects to lay their eggs are dirty areas of the house, rotting foundations, and food products. While the eggs themselves are hard to see, you can find maggots, which indicate the presence of flies. If you find maggots in your trash, you can boil them or add salt to kill them. Alternatively, you can use insecticide to kill the flies and their eggs.

When flies lay their eggs, the female lays four or six batches of eggs that hatch within 12 to 24 hours. Once the eggs hatch, the maggots emerge, which are pale white worms about four to 7.5 millimeters long. Once the maggots hatch, they continue to feed on the site of emergence for up to five days. Flies often lay their eggs in garbage cans, in the wounds of animals, and in manure.

Unlike most other insects, flies don’t build a nest. A nest is a structure that an animal constructs to hold its eggs before hatching and protect its young. Fly eggs are often found in piles all around the house. They prefer to lay their eggs on substances that contain food. This means that you shouldn’t be putting leftover food on the counter. Likewise, don’t let food sit out on the counter because this will attract flies and their eggs.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!