How Much Does it Cost to Buy Fruit Flies?

When buying fruit flies, it’s important to look at the whole package. This includes the fruit flies themselves, as well as a small container of food and a 32oz feeding medium. The fruit flies will also come with a perching mesh to keep the flies from drowning in their feeding medium.

As adults, fruit flies measure only about one-eighth of an inch long, and have gray or brown bodies. The main food source for fruit flies is fermented fruits and vegetables. These flies are often found in the kitchen and can be easily removed by using baits. However, you can also opt to pay a professional to remove the fruit flies for you, which can cost anywhere from $100 to $175.

Fruit flies are available for purchase in limited quantities, as food medium is often scarce. Typically, a single fruit fly culture will last four to six weeks. A newly started culture contains 50 flies in a ventilated cup with media. It takes about two weeks for the fruit flies to mature into adulthood. It should be remembered to replace these flies with new ones before the best-before date has passed.

One of the best ways to prevent fruit flies is to store your fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. If you plan to keep them for later, you should check the lids of the containers to ensure they are properly sealed. Another effective way to prevent fruit flies is to purchase traps made from wine or paper. These traps will catch the adult fruit flies when they try to escape.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!