How Many Flies is an Infestation?

There are several factors that contribute to the size of a fly infestation. Often, flies are attracted to bright artificial lights. During the day, they can hover around people’s heads and find sticky food on counters. At night, they can hang onto a screen or patio door. When these conditions are present, hundreds of flies can quickly become an infestation.

Fly larvae are a common sign of a fly infestation. Maggots are the larvae of a fly, so if you find maggots in your home, you likely have a fly infestation. Different types of flies have different breeding sites, so start by checking trash cans, compost, uncovered fruit, and drains. You can also look for flies by identifying large and small clusters of flies.

Once you determine the size of the infestation, you can take steps to control their population. Keeping garbage and other garbage near the door is a good place to start. Flies can be very destructive and spread disease, so making sure you clean your garbage properly is essential to eliminating the problem.

Flies are attracted to organic material like trash, so make sure that you regularly remove it. You can also try reducing the temperature in your home and closing windows and doors.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!