How Long Do Flies Live Without Water?

The lifespan of a fly varies depending on species. Most flies have a life span of about 28 days, although some are known to reach 30 days or longer. A fly’s life span is determined by several factors. If the adult fly is not provided with food or water, it may die or produce maggots. A maggot can live for a few days without food or water, but will eventually die before reaching the pupation stage. If it survives to pupate, the adult fly will live for approximately 30 to 120 days.

The life span of a fly also depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. A warm, humid environment may allow it to live for only 15 days, whereas a cool, dry environment may prolong its life by up to three weeks. One of the most common types of flies found in homes is the house fly, which is about an eighth to one-quarter inch long and has a grey body with four dark stripes. Female house flies lay eggs directly in organic matter. They are usually found near dirty water and make a distinctive buzzing noise when flying.

Flies spend much of the colder months of the year in the water, where they remain hidden from predators. However, once the weather begins to warm, the nymphs will emerge and begin developing into adults. Flies also need adequate protein, which they can get from food. In order to reproduce and lay their eggs, flies require sufficient protein. Without these nutrients, they will not survive for long.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!