How Long Do Flies Live Without Food?
In general, flies can survive for a few days without food, but the longer you let them go without food, the worse their chances are of surviving. In fact, they can survive for up to three days without food. However, it’s important to note that this is a very short period of time compared to human life. The average lifespan of a fly is between 15 and 25 days, and this doesn’t include the time that they spend on the ground. For this reason, flies that survive in colder climates tend to last longer than those that live in hotter climates. Furthermore, female flies need food before copulation, and the process takes about two to fifteen minutes. The females need food because they need protein to reproduce, and manure is not enough.
Flies can spend months in the water during cold weather, and can eventually emerge as adult flies when the temperature rises. However, if you notice that your home has flies in it, contact a pest control specialist right away to get rid of them. They can cause severe damage to your home, so it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Flies can be quite disruptive if they find food on your property. They can spread diseases, contaminate it, and make a mess. Fortunately, there are solutions for this problem. For instance, Ehrlich Pest Control offers fly treatments and property inspections.