How Long Do Cluster Flies Stay in the House?

If you’ve noticed an increase in cluster flies, there are a few ways to eliminate the problem. First, you should know that these insects can sneak into your house through window and door cracks. If you notice any cracks in these areas, you should seal them to prevent new flies from emerging. Also, be sure to check for cracks in your baseboards and window frames. If you notice any, consider sealing them with caulk to prevent flies from entering.

Cluster flies are pests that can be very annoying. They prefer light and warmth and will cluster near windows during warm weather. They also leave behind dark stains, which are often unsightly and unappealing. But, unlike horseflies, these insects do not bite and will not breed inside your home.

The life cycle of cluster flies is quite different from that of house flies. These insects hibernate in walls during the colder months of the year and come out of hibernation when the weather is warm enough to support them. However, if you find that you have an infestation of cluster flies, you can get rid of them using the proper pest control method.

Once the eggs hatch, cluster flies are able to reproduce very rapidly. In fact, each cluster fly will produce up to four generations of larvae in just a few months. If you have a home that has been affected by cluster flies, it’s likely that the flies will be back again next year.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!