How Hot Can Flies Survive?

Flies can survive in a range of temperatures. The most extreme temperatures are at 105 degrees Fahrenheit and above. In the coldest seasons, flies tend to disappear altogether. On warm sunny days, you’ll find them hiding under shades. However, if you want to kill house flies, run your air conditioner at a moderate temperature – 55degF will kill them in about an hour.

Flies live throughout the year, but warmer temperatures disrupt their breeding cycle. During the warmer months, they seek out cool, moist areas to lay their eggs. It takes 20 hours for a house fly egg to hatch. In this way, flies that live in the coldest climates can thrive in hotter areas. They can also survive in colder climates if they’re properly protected.

Flies’ temperature tolerance is largely dependent on the weather. In the cold, flies tend to go into diapause, where they stop moving and rest. The process lasts a few weeks, and when the temperatures return to normal, the flies will resume their normal life.

Another factor that affects their ability to survive is their ability to fly. In warmer weather, they are more active. They seek moist areas and are less likely to hide if it’s hot. In addition, flies become more vulnerable if they’re exposed to two or more threats at once. Thus, it’s best to keep a clean house. Another option is to use air conditioning to keep the house cool.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!