How Fruit Flies Can Be Harmful to Humans

Fruit flies are small, winged insects that feed on rotting fruits and vegetables. They are found almost everywhere and can become a nuisance if not treated promptly. Their breeding grounds are in fruit and vegetables that are overripe, unrefrigerated, or left out unrinsed. They can also fly into homes through unscreened windows. They can transmit bacteria and disease-producing organisms, so it is important to control the population of fruit flies in your home.

Fruit flies carry bacteria, such as E. coli, which can lead to food poisoning. Severe cases can result in hospitalization. In extreme cases, bacteria from fruit flies can enter the bloodstream and cause life-threatening food poisoning. Thankfully, most fruit flies that cause food poisoning are harmless, but they can still be dangerous.

Salmonella infections are very similar to E. coli infections, but are less serious. Fruit flies spread bacteria through fruit feces and their manure. When they land on a surface or food, they transfer the bacteria to the food they eat. Although they can be difficult to identify, it is important to take action against fruit flies to avoid food poisoning.

To prevent fruit flies from destroying your food, make sure to wash fruit thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. In addition, remember to clean your kitchen trash can daily and dispose of food scraps promptly. Use screens that are tight-fitting to prevent the flies from escaping. Screens of 16-mesh mesh are a good choice to keep out adult fruit flies and prevent fruit flies from breeding. If you live in an area where fruit flies are common, you may want to install an anti-fly screen over your refrigerator.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!