How Flies Are Getting in My House

If you are concerned about flies in your home, you should take measures to prevent them. One of the best ways to prevent them is to clean thoroughly. This means removing any rotting food and eliminating any areas where they can breed. You should also be sure to empty trash cans frequently and clip the lids after use. In addition, keep the windows closed and use window screens to prevent them from entering your house.

One of the most common ways flies are able to get into a home is through a hole or opening in the ductwork of a building. Flies can also enter a home through a trash can or a pet’s mess. Once inside your home, flies will search for food or a place to lay their eggs. They will stay in your home for two to four weeks and then look for another way to get out.

Another common way to attract flies is by keeping your windows open. In addition to opening windows and doors, flies may also get into your home through cracks in walls and a broken insect screen. You may also have a sagging screen or an improperly fitting door or patio. Even if it does not appear to be a big issue, a rip in the screen could attract a large team of flies. Flies are capable of developing and laying eggs in 15 to 25 days, so you need to keep these areas clean and free of debris.

Another way to keep flies out of your home is to use residual insecticides. These remain active longer than pesticides used indoors. Additionally, you should avoid using bright lights in the house, as these attract flies. Additionally, you should seal windows and make sure to empty trash cans frequently.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!