How Do Maggots Become Flies?

The process of metamorphosis in flies is fascinating. During the first stage, the larvae develop into maggots and then mature into adult flies. It isn’t known exactly how this process happens, but it involves a change in temperature and body size.

Flies prefer warm, humid places where they can lay their eggs. They also need food and protection. In trash cans, the rotting organic matter makes an ideal breeding ground for flies. In warmer weather, the odor of food remnants becomes even more potent. Once maggots hatch, they continue to breed inside the trash can.

The best way to prevent the spread of maggots is to not leave food or garbage out. Leaving food out for a few hours will only encourage the maggots to emerge and reproduce. The maggot population can spread quickly to multiple rooms in your home. This will make treatment much more difficult. If you are concerned about an outbreak, try freezing leftover food or sealing the trash bin. You can also use diatomaceous earth to kill maggot eggs.

When maggots are still young, they remain in the larval stage for another five to ten days before transitioning into the pupa stage. During this time, they continue feeding in mass and will grow to be between 0.6 and 0.79 inches long. They will then start sucking on fluids in the meal, which will eventually turn them into adult flies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!