How Do Fly’s Get Drunk?
The study of whether flies get drunk has implications for both humans and animals. Both mammals and flies metabolize alcohol differently but they’re susceptible to the same effects on the central nervous system. This means that both species can get drunk on alcohol. But does the process in the brain differ between the two?
A fruit fly that has been exposed to alcohol exhibits similar behaviors to an intoxicated human. Its movements become sluggish and it tends to become promiscuous. However, as the alcohol level rises, its movement slows down. As in humans, the alcohol causes both cognitive and motor disinhibitions, which can lead to aggression and short tempers.
Researchers also found that fruit flies can self-administer alcohol, just as humans can. In experiments, researchers mix alcohol into the food of fruit flies. This allows them to study alcohol’s effects with less variation. At lower levels, alcohol acts as a stimulant, increasing the activity of flies. However, higher doses of alcohol cause motor incoordination and flies have difficulty climbing.
It’s believed that fruit flies drink alcohol to fend off parasitic wasps. While their adult counterparts can’t handle alcohol, they can resist if it’s injected into the larvae. As a result, fruit fly larvae can consume toxic levels of alcohol in their bloodstream to destroy their parasites.