How Do Flies Turn Into Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are common near bodies of water. They are most active during the evening and night. They have a similar life cycle to flies. The female lays her eggs on the surface of water, where they develop into larvae. The larvae feed for four instars and then change into a pupa. The adult mosquito emerges from the pupa within two to three days. The entire process takes between five and four weeks.

Unlike mosquitoes, adult flies do not lay their eggs on humans. They lay their eggs on other objects and insects. Their eggs hatch into larvae, which burrow under the skin. The larvae can cause a red bump, itching, and pain. They will eventually burrow out of the host’s body.

Once the larvae hatch, they feed on decaying organic matter. This makes them a suitable source of breeding material. After pupation, they can live up to a month and lay hundreds of eggs. Flies tend to live in places that are prone to rotting waste. This waste can harbor parasites and pathogens.

It’s important to keep the area clean, and free of debris. Dead plants and pet food should be removed and discarded. Also, be sure to clean up water spills. Pooling water attracts mosquitoes, so keep them away from your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!