How Do Flies Turn Into Cockroachets?

Before flies turn into cockroachets, they must first undergo metamorphosis. This is a process that takes less than two weeks. If you have noticed a high number of flies on your property, you may want to start a thorough cleaning, inspection, and monitoring program.

A fly starts its life as a tiny off-white egg. Within eight to twenty hours, the egg hatches and the larvae (called maggots) grow to half an inch in length. These creatures have kidney-shaped markings and thin heads. They breathe through spiracles, which look like mouths. Flying cockroaches often enter homes through exterior walls or open windows. They may also enter through a light source such as a television or computer screen.

While flies are not good fliers, some species of cockroaches develop wings once they reach adulthood. However, most household roaches do not fly. The few species of cockroaches that fly only do so under optimum conditions and under very specific circumstances. Because their wing muscles are weak, they require external heat to fly. Therefore, flying cockroaches are typically only found in urban areas during the summer.

American cockroaches are able to fly for short distances. They can fly upwards and down, but their vertical altitude is limited to a few hundred feet.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!