How Do Flies Take Care of Their Young?

In order to produce offspring, female flies lay dozens of eggs, and each of these eggs develops into a new fly. Over a period of days, millions of these flies can appear. The adult flies usually live for about two weeks. Some flies also give birth to live maggots. Although eating a fly egg won’t cause harm to you, it is not a good idea to eat them.

The female flies lay eggs on warm surfaces like manure and other materials. The eggs will develop into larvae, maggots, and pupae. When they are fully fed, the adults will emerge from their pupae. The next day, they will begin to look for food.

House flies are the most common type of fly found around homes. They lay eggs on decaying organic matter and then change into a pupa stage. Once the pupal stage is complete, the adult flies emerge. The whole process takes anywhere from seven to 14 days depending on the temperature.

To prevent the breeding of stable flies, keep compost piles and compost bins clean. These are great ways to recycle organic material and prevent flies from infesting your yard. However, they may serve as breeding grounds for flies. Fortunately, a properly maintained compost pile will generate significant amounts of heat during the decomposition process, minimizing the chances of flies surviving. Another good way to keep flies away from your compost bins is to cover them with black plastic sheeting. This will act as a barrier to the fly larvae and will also help to reduce the number of flies that will breed in these piles.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!