How Cold Does It Have To Be For Fruit Flies To Die?

If you have a fruit tree in your backyard and you’d like to get rid of fruit flies, there are several options available. First of all, you can apply vinegar. Vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, is extremely appealing to fruit flies and it will quickly drown them. If you have a problem with fruit flies, you may find them in garbage cans, under appliances, and in recycling bins. You may also have filth flies in your home. Keeping your home clean will help to keep these pesky creatures away.

During winter, flies go into diapause, or hibernation. This process can last for a few weeks, but it will end once temperatures rise. At 45degF (7degC), flies will stop moving altogether. They will crawl to a safe location to rest. This will save them energy and help them survive in colder temperatures.

Once the temperature warms up, the fruit flies will come back to life and start breeding again. But you need to keep in mind that they can survive for a couple of days inside a house and will then fly out once the weather warms up.

The ideal temperature for fruit flies to breed is about 68 degrees Fahrenheit. A standard refrigerator can only keep them from breeding.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!