How Can You Use Wet Flies With Floating Line?

There are several techniques that can help you find fish using wet flies. One method is swinging the fly downstream. This technique is ideal for finding fish in runs. The key is to start close to the bank and swing the line outwards, covering as much water as possible downstream.

Another method is casting a wet fly upstream. The aim is to imitate an insect emerging from the water’s surface. This is done with low fishing pressure. When using a floating line, be sure to use the right sink tip to match the current. If the water is moving faster, a heavier grain sink tip will be appropriate.

Wet flies are designed to be presented to fish beneath the water’s surface. Consequently, most wet fly patterns have a weighted component, allowing the fly to sink slowly in the water column. This is important because predators can detect movement in the water column, so the faster the fly sinks the more chance it has of attracting a fish. Wet flies are most effective in fast-moving waters, such as those below a rapid. You should also remember to follow your line down with your rod to avoid accidentally pulling it in.

Because wet flies are heavier than dry flies, they can be more easily cast with a floating line. This is especially helpful when you want to target fish that aren’t up close. Wet flies also allow you to target fish who hide deep in the water.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!