How Big Are Crane Flies?
Crane flies can grow to over an inch in length. They have a unique wing structure called a haltere, which resembles a golf club. This structure vibrates at a high speed during flight and serves as a flight stabilizer. These flies are a beneficial part of the ecosystem.
There are many different species of crane flies throughout the world. However, most are similar in appearance. They are brown or gray and typically 3/4 to one inch long. Crane flies from the Ctenophora family are larger and have orange or red markings, making them look more like wasps than crane flies.
While crane flies are related to mosquitoes, they do not bite or suck blood. Most adult crane flies do not live very long. They feed on decaying organic matter. Unlike mosquitoes, they do not bite humans or animals, and they do not affect public health.
Crane flies have four distinct life stages. The female crane fly lays up to 300 eggs in the ground. The eggs hatch in about two weeks. The larvae feed on grass, turf, and decaying wood. They may also damage plant roots. During their larval stage, the crane fly will go through four different instars. In late spring, the pupae will emerge. The new adults will be ready to fly.
Crane flies are a pest in your garden. Their larvae can damage plant roots and attract other pests. Thankfully, you can protect your plants by using registered insecticides in late fall. You can also use a professional pest control service to treat crane flies in your lawn.