Dumbbell Flyes Workout

Dumbbell flyes are an excellent exercise for strengthening your pecs. Unlike bench presses, which can only go so far down the chest, flyes allow you to stretch your pecs to a greater stretch. This is because your pecs need more tension in order to grow.

Dumbbell flies target the chest muscles, primarily through the abduction motion, and require your arms to support the motion. These are great exercises for building chest muscles, and you can alter the weight to achieve great chest gains. You should aim for 60 percent of your one-rep max when performing a dumbbell fly. However, the weight may be adjusted depending on your condition.

Some fly lifters may also externally rotate their shoulders or elbows. This will shift the emphasis away from the anterior deltoid and onto the transverse adductor. In fact, a world record holder of 47 lifts using 65 lbs. dumbbells in one minute has demonstrated this method. This technique has numerous benefits, including a higher intensity and reduced risk of injury. The video below shows Jason Faulkner performing 47 lifts with 65 lbs. dumbbells in one min.

The reverse fly can be performed using dumbbells. To begin, sit with your knees bent. Hold one dumbbell in each hand. Rest for 30-60 seconds between reps and raise and lower the weights until they reach the elbow level. This workout will challenge your core strength and coordination. You can do several sets of this exercise, but it’s best to start with light weights and increase the weight gradually.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

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