Does Vinegar Kill Flies?
If you have fruit flies, you may want to know whether vinegar will kill them. You can use this natural pesticide by pouring half a cup into a small bowl and adding a dash of dish soap. This will break the surface tension of the vinegar, which makes it unpalatable for fruit flies.
If you want to get rid of fruit flies, you can use vinegar to make a homemade fruit fly trap. Place the trap near the sink, near the fruit flies. If you cover the trap with plastic wrap, the flies will drown faster in the vinegar. If you don’t use plastic wrap, you can use a paper funnel.
You can also use vinegar and dish soap to trap houseflies. The vinegar works as a bait, attracting and capturing decomposing plant waste. If you use this combination, you’ll have less fruit flies and a cleaner home. But make sure to follow the directions on the container for safety and effectiveness. Besides vinegar, you can use other types of detergent.
Another method that can help prevent fruit flies is to put vinegar on the leaves of your houseplants. The vinegar contains acetic acid, which is harmless to humans and cats. In addition, you can also place a trap near your houseplant.