Do Flys Taste Good to Dogs?

Many pet owners have trouble accepting the fact that their dogs eat flies. However, it is a completely natural behavior for dogs and is perfectly normal. Even though we find it disgusting, it is important to remember that dogs are predators and have their own instincts. This behavior may not be a good thing for your pooch, but it is not necessarily harmful.

Fly-biting episodes may be triggered by various factors. For example, your dog may snap at a passing insect or may lick its forelegs excessively. Other signs may include a lack of emotional response or compulsive chasing of the fly. In addition, you may notice a change in your dog’s diet. Avoid feeding your dog low-quality dog foods as they may trigger digestive problems.

Some dogs have a sensitive stomach, and may experience vomiting or diarrhea if they eat flies. The richness of these insects makes it difficult for the stomach to properly digest them. In extreme cases, your pet may need emergency surgery to remove a blockage. Even if your dog isn’t experiencing any of these symptoms, feeding your dog a fly may cause an infection.

Regular house flies can carry 65 different diseases. While it’s unlikely that your dog would get sick from a single fly on your food, you can never be too safe when feeding your dog. In addition to being gross, you should avoid giving your dog a hamburger or a potato salad that is infected with flies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!