Do Flies Taste Good to Cats?

Cats are very flexible and will play with flies. It is not uncommon for cats to play with and kill flies. There are two sides to this story, some believe that cats play with flies before killing them and others believe that cats kill flies to get rid of them.

Cats can eat flies, but they should not be encouraged to do so. Flies may carry disease and pesticides, and eating them could cause your cat to become sick. However, cats do not usually experience severe health problems after ingesting flies. However, if you notice your cat eating flies on a regular basis, you should take action and make your cat feel better.

One common concern is the possibility of flies transmitting parasitic worms to cats. This is not a big problem for most adult cats, but it may be a problem for young kittens. The immune systems of kittens are not fully developed, so ingested flies could cause a cat to develop parasites.

Another concern is maggots. If your cat eats fly eggs, he could be at risk for myiasis, a bacterial parasite caused by fly maggots. This condition may cause your cat to develop diarrhea, lethargy, or other symptoms.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!