Do Flies Make Nests?

Most fruit flies do not make nests. Instead, they will search for a suitable food source and lay their eggs there. However, some other hymenopterans, such as honey bees, do make nests. This is because nests indicate parental or alloparental care or a place to store food.

While many insects, including flies, do not make traditional nests, they do lay eggs in specific places in order to increase their population. This means that they will choose areas with ample food, water and protection from predators. Therefore, if you want to prevent flies from making nests in your home, block their entry points.

In warm weather, female flies lay dozens or hundreds of eggs. These eggs will hatch within days. As a result, millions of flies can appear in a short period of time. In addition, some flies give birth to live maggots. However, this doesn’t mean that consuming fly eggs will harm you.

In general, adult flies have fully functional wings, and they can choose to live in your home or migrate elsewhere for better breeding conditions. The lifespan of an adult fly can range from fifteen to 30 days. In addition, an adult female can lay up to 150 eggs in a single batch and can breed up to six times in her lifetime.

When a female fly lays its eggs, she looks for a dark, moist place to lay her eggs. These places may include trash, manure, or leftover food. Even feces from your cat’s litter box can be a good place to find a nest.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!