Do Bot Flies Live in the United States?

Bot flies are parasitic flies that can infest humans and animals. They can be harmful if they feed on your skin, but there are many ways to avoid their infestation. One of the easiest ways is to avoid areas where they live. You can use insect repellent to protect yourself, and make sure you wear long sleeves and pants to prevent exposed skin.

Human bot flies are rarely found in the United States, but they do occur in tropical areas. These insects lay eggs on mosquitoes or flies and then feed on the blood tissues of the host. The eggs develop into larvae that burrow into the skin and live for 27 to 128 days. Adult bot flies are about a centimeter long.

Bot flies live in grassy areas near animal burrows. Cats often investigate rabbit burrows and may be infected by these flies. The first signs of infestation are usually on the neck and head. Cats will rarely show symptoms externally until the larvae reach a size large enough to itch and cause swelling.

Although the larvae of bot flies do not attack their hosts, they can cause severe damage if their population is too high. In the US, there are six main species of bot flies that are detrimental to livestock, including sheep nose bots and cattle grubs.

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